I was birthed from a giggling mother.

With that being said, I don’t believe there was much laughter during the actual birth … as my mom was hypnotized. So unless she was given that particular command, while spellbound, my educated guess is that she was in some dreamy, sublime state of being.

The giggles most likely erupted when she was abruptly awakened two days later and first laid eyes on me.

My dad likened me to Edward G. Robinson and promised my mom they would dress me up really purty. So those giggles were most likely the upshot of relentless sobbing.

A ray of sunshine, glass half full, optimism personified… that was my mom. She was the kindest, most generous and thoughtful person. And someone I would choose over and over and over again to be my mom.

Now admittedly, she could not carry a tune and dancing to the beat was, well … challenging. Undeterred, she would burst into song or kick up her heels like not a soul was tuning in or having a look-see.

That effervescent spirit and full of life soul was my mom.

While singing “Chiribin, Chiribom” at a grammar school talent show, cousin Marilyn said it was so embarrassing she wished for the floor to open up and swallow her before anyone discovered they were related.

AND as a member of her high school choir, my mom must have charmed the choral director into allowing her to join … cause when it came to ‘show time’ he requested she only mouth the words.

~mom as Mae West~

At ten years of age she won a contest imitating Mae West and a ‘who has the most freckles contest’ when they realized they couldn’t possibly count them all; allowing her free entrance into a movie theatre … or theAter, as she called it.

She longed to be an aviatrix, like Amelia Earhart, or a fashion designer.

She was a legal secretary until she retired and if math presented itself – she called my dad.

She was a hugger, a kisser, a flirt.

She loved hosting parties and it all seemed to come together with such ease. If friends just happened to stay for dinner she didn’t bat an eye.

My mom had great taste and continually rearranged, repositioned and restyled our house. She could handle a hammer and screwdriver like a pro, and fix all kinds of stuff. SHE WAS THE ORIGINAL FIXER-UPPER! And her favorite anniversary gift from my dad? AN ELECTRIC DRILL.

Diamonds and furs were not her thing … but how she loved turquoise jewelry and scarves …what she could do with a scarf!

And oh boy did she have a thing about chocolate covered orange peels, sour green tomatoes, club sandwiches, pistachio nuts and Chinese food,“they were marvelous”.

There were plumbers, painters and handymen who stayed for dinner and our mailman came to my wedding.

A beauty inside and out, she was wise and charismatic; always exuding a youthful vitality belying her age. She dwelled on the beauty in life and lit up every room she entered with her genuine warmth and magnetic personality. My mom had this way of making people she just met feel as though they had known one another for years.

Everybody loved my mom.

Years ago, while discussing an upcoming special birthday celebration, we struggled over how the invitation should read. We racked our brains trying to come up with some clever version of ‘no presents’. It’s when one of us came up with the brilliant “she don’t need no stinkin’ presents” that we were sent into a side-splitting, uncontrollable, disorderly laugh attack. Cause we thought we were so funny.

THAT GIGGLE … that spontaneous, exhilarating, contagious burst … provoking many a ‘pee in our pants’ conclusion. Yes, that happened.

one of our selfie attempts!

And her garden … HER GLORIOUS GARDEN. How she fawned over her cherished flowerbeds and they flourished and bloomed into a colorful masterpiece.

“The earth laughs in flowers”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

How apropos is that?

A couple of years before she passed away, just shy of her 91st, I had to face the realization that my youthful, dynamic mom was aging. And I was not facing it  very well. However, I could no longer close my eyes to the signs of her diagnosed Parkinson’s and dementia.

The unfortunate arrival of paramedics began occurring way too often, yet I would hear her on the phone declaring how handsome and adorable they all were. I began to wonder if she was deliberately setting off her Life Alert button.

The reality of witnessing her increasing frailty and cognitive decline was heart-wrenching; leaving me feeling helpless. And the notion that she was acutely aware of her bewildered self just about did me in.

There was something in her eyes I had never seen before and she was scared. Me too.

My mom desperately tried to hang onto her enthusiastic, light-hearted, effervescent self … even as she lost her ability to speak.

What a treasured childhood I had with a mom who supported and encouraged me with wise advice. Her sense of humor and perpetually positive spin on life paving the way always. And oh how devotedly she cared for my sweet, funny dad.

My mom lived a life filled with abundant love and laughter. She created her own sunshine and brought it with her wherever she went. Her mantra was, “you create your own fun”. And she certainly did!

I love you mom always and forever …

… what a privilege it has been to be your daughter. I am forever filled with gratitude, and you are never far from thought, as you continue to spread sunshine and blossoms everywhere I look.



With her twinkling eyes and delightful dimples (which my youngest inherited)… my mother-in-law was another WOW. A farmers wife, devoted mother of three and loving Grandma Boo to my children.

Standing at the corner sink with a view of corn, soybeans, silos and barns I can picture her preparing mouth-watering fried chicken or slicing strawberries for her incredible pie. She never followed a recipe so I lurked behind, trying to approximate the measurements for her amazing pie crust – but mine never turned out like hers.

I still hear her voice, raised an octave or two, as she calls for my father-in-law… or plays peek-a-boo with her granddaughters. Hence gifted the name… Grandma Boo.

We all got a kick out of her stream of conscious chatting when traveling in a car – never quite knowing where a story was going and without transition from one topic to the next. She was funny without knowing it.

She loved a Drumstick sundae cone or ice cream from the Sycamore Drive-in, a Spanish hot dog and root beer from B&K and a supreme pizza from Bruno’s.

Dorothy was patient, kind and easy-going. When a mouse revealed itself, she calmly walked over, picked it up by the tail and set it outside. And when my husband decided to rearrange her kitchen cabinets, she giggled when repeatedly calling to inquire as to where this or that had been rehoused. I would not have been so magnanimous.

Welcoming me with open arms, she never offered unsolicited advice, was always supportive and simply adorable. I couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful MIL!

How dearly I loved my other WOW.

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Oh Karen, I too adored your Mom, and also relate to that fear when changes start happening. What a beautiful tribute. Missing our mothers ….💕💕

Joy segal
Joy segal

What a fabulous mother and wonderful mother-in-law.. you have been so blessed. Beautiful memories. Love you. Joy

Gordon Eric McClure
Gordon Eric McClure

What a wonderful tribute to your “WOW”. Happy Mothers’ Day!!!

Rosie Nadolsky
Rosie Nadolsky

BEAUTIFUL! THANK YOU for sharing such BEAUTIFUL tributes–and Happy Mother’s Day to YOU, dear KAREN! Love you!

Julie Burman Kaplan
Julie Burman Kaplan

WOW WOW WOW…one for each of your MOM’s and one for the MOM they shaped in YOU!!!! KFJ you are AOK, BME (best MOM ever). All of YOU are an example to us all❤️

Andie Simons
Andie Simons

I too know the joy of living with a wow. We are so lucky and truly blessed. 🎶Chiribom🎶
Happy Mother’s Day❤️

Claudia Jaccarino
Claudia Jaccarino

I loved, loved, LOVED reading this piece! You made you mom step right off the page and into my heart. I agree with previous comments- you could be describing yourself – and the photos you shared – two peas in a pod. 💜

Susan Moriarty
Susan Moriarty

Thank you for this Karen. I needed to hear it as I’m going through this with my mom who just turned 95. You spoke to me when you wrote, “There was something in her eyes I had never seen before and she was scared. Me too.” Written beautifully! xoxo Susan

Dawn Feinsmith
Dawn Feinsmith

She was one of a kind. I loved our lunches and shopping trips. She was everything you said plus. She loved everyone she met . We even had lunch with my friend Barbee one day . I miss her and love her .


Wow❤️❤️ So beautiful Cuz❤️❤️ Your mom, my aunt was amazing, wonderful beautiful , sweet kind .. so many positive adjectives. Loved so much reading this and also about your MIL❤️…you are an incredible writer.. and your mom… so loved and so missed❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sharon Zoldan
Sharon Zoldan

What a treasure to read on Mother’s Day 💐 indeed a beautiful tribute to your Wow!! I have lots of fun memories of Aunt Anita and Roy. Particularly when Harriet and Hal, and your folks went out with my parents. I know they laughed a lot.
Aren’t we the luckiest to have grown up in such loving environments.
And such a nice honor to learn about lovely Dorothy.
Thanks for sharing Karen🌷

Reply to  Sharon Zoldan

Loved your mom. I remember her well. Someone you loved to love.

Julie Burman Kaplan
Julie Burman Kaplan

Karen this so beautiful. You’ve honored your beautiful mom and mom-in-law with your words and memories. Thank you for bringing them both close to all of us. You Karen are the real WOW!❤️

Sharon Ross
Sharon Ross

So sweet!
My mom was Hypnotized for all our births also. I found that so strange. Happy Mother’s Day to you. Hope it’s wonderful

Bob Husa
Bob Husa

How sweet, Happy Mother’s Day, Karen.

Gordon McClure
Gordon McClure

What a glorious tribute!

Susan Moody
Susan Moody

Love this and the way your love for your Momma you did display!! #youareatalentedwriter

Susan O’Connell
Susan O’Connell

This is such a beautiful tribute to your mom. The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree. I only met her once (briefly) but clearly she continues to light the world through you…and your beautiful daughters. 🌞

Jill Peters
Jill Peters

So beautiful,,impossible not to cry happy tears!

Andie Simons
Andie Simons

What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful spirit. So happy I had the privilege of knowing her in high school. Her smile is absolutely unforgettable.

Ronna Kaplan
Ronna Kaplan

My Mom would say that if you have nothing not nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Always say and find something positive about another person.
And, she loved to ballroom and folk dance and eventually taught both. My love of dance is thanks to my Mother.

Gordon McClure
Gordon McClure

What a beautiful tribute!


Oh I miss her so much! She was the absolute best! I remember before I gave birth to Charlie, she told me when you were born the doctors gave her a little white pill and when she woke up (I think she did say it was two days later), there you were! And she had no idea how they got you out! Haha! I wanted one of those pills so badly! I miss her so much and I can still hear that unforgettable laugh of hers!! Xoxo

Rosie Nadolsky
Rosie Nadolsky

OMG, Karen–this is exquisite. Nearly made me cry and definitely made me wish I’d known your mom. The apple certainly didn’t fall far from the tree. Everything (except the part about the difference between you and your mom vis-a-vis dancing and singing) sounded like how people would describe YOU! Just read your tribute aloud to my daughter (she actually stopped focussing on her phone and was very moved) and finished by telling her that you’re one of the most positive, genuine, loving, beautiful people in the world (and that you were at her baby shower). Your joie de vivre is… Read more »

Jill the favorite niece
Jill the favorite niece

Love this and love her and miss her.

Bob Husa
Bob Husa

How beautiful, Karen..Looking at pictures of her in her younger days, .I can see the resemblence between the two of you. Happy Mothers Day

Rosie Nadolsky
Rosie Nadolsky
Reply to  Bob Husa

Ditto, Bob!

Lu B
Lu B

I loved your mom, Karen. I often think so fondly of the sunny day we all had lunch together near your house not too many years ago. So much joy and laughter. You’re a lucky girl and I know you know that so deeply. ❤️

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