A cool breeze flows through the open window. It wafts throughout the interior of the room as sultry rhythms make love to my ears. The seductive setting brings to light all the years and years of accumulated memories; provocative, familiar and abundant. Taking stock of the excess mementos, I tenderly put aside a few favored items and then…

… swiftly and affirmatively toss item after item out the window and onto the sloping chute leaning against the sill; en route to the beckoning dumpster below. I am beside myself with joy and blissfully satisfied.

Aaahhhh – what a delightful…


It’s a fool’s paradise, this dream, a play of wishful thinking and a sensual state of slumber. This is what my “adult” fantasies have been reduced to. A beckoning dumpster.

My amassing of memories seems insurmountable. Does impressive sound more acceptable?

After my mother’s passing her treasured thingamabobs found their way into my filled to overflowing cabinets. My save-everything-mom, who in turn squirreled away the by-products of her mother and mother-in-law are now mine. Stowed away for my children? Come and get it!

And although some items have been personally handpicked and earmarked by those children referenced above… they are surprisingly unsurprisingly still housed in my home.

Hoping for a taker I periodically flaunt evidence of all these riches. “Could be valuable”, I say with a sing-songy voice.

On one hand those children have nowhere to put this that or the other thing. So they say. On the other hand it seems they are all for the taking after a quick visit to my closet and a nonchalant inquiry as to the still-wear-it-ness status of my clothing. Take it, take it I say.

I’ve heard through the grapevine that our offspring will not want most of, or any of, our stuff. Being the nostalgic saver that I am, I admit to being a bit misty-eyed at that conclusion. So what’s a dewy-eyed, sentimental, pack rat supposed to do?

I mean, surely they’ll want my fifty+ boxes of photos, my grandma’s tea set and my stash of love letters!


My doing-away-with actions are infrequent; more like one of these fine days. I confess to opening closet doors, cabinets and drawers only to peer inside, gently close and move on to my happy place of murder mysteries and true crime whodunnits. Spoiler alert: THE HUSBAND DID IT.

Though a copious maker of lists, and would appear quite organized, my continued effort to procrastinate has evolved into complete hoarding mode. And weirdly, past edits appear to rematerialize. As if by magic. Who is the conjurer of the rematerializing? Oh yeah, me.

Overly sentimental affection for my children’s memorabilia makes me the self-appointed custodian of it all. The official keeper of memories. And I am just about ready to hand in my notice.

The collection of both daughters’ artwork is VAST – all significant, all lovingly created by little hands and ALL TAKING OVER MY SPACE. The forgotten and sadly forgettable are among the valued gems and the meaningful are clearly spiraling into clutter. Although these delightfully scribbled treasures, filling many boxes, are optimistic containers of imaginings… it’s time to edit. Weeping.

Oh, and there are costumes aplenty. Sized toddler – adult:

Looking to take a trip down the yellow brick road? Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion have you covered.

A bit of glam? Cinderella, Rapunzel and a couple of brides await.

A fan of the animal kingdom? There’s a kitty or three, a dragon and a life-size beanie baby puppy.

Seeking a French themed outfit? Got a hankering to be a cowboy? A witch, a ballerina or Cousin “It”? A decade-themed soiree?

Accessories and wigs. Done. And DONE.

Cut to the embarrassing numbers of stuffed animals, beanie babies, games, baby dolls, doll beds, doll clothes, doll accessories, Lego castle, school papers, spelling tests, markers, crayons, paint, construction paper, glue sticks, glitter and googly eyes… all filling bursting at the seams boxes and precariously organized shelving. Don’t judge. Bawling.

Am I saving for future grandchildren? Wailing.

Once upon a time my mom firmly ushered me to the basement where boxes of my own mementos lay in waiting. Consolidating into one manageable container was the order of the day. I tried offering compensation so that my personal effects would remain right where they were. To no avail.

My lovingly maintained keepsakes included a carburetor and pair of dingo boots (souvenir of old boyfriend), a half knitted sweater, popsicle sticks labeled with date and location, letters, postcards, gum wrapper chains… you get the idea. It was a meticulous and delicate operation. Lots of oh-my-god, no way and why did I keep this to go through.

Although it took multiple attempts to pare the stuff down, that box (now parked on a shelf in my closet) is eagerly anticipating a new resting spot. In someone else’s closet. First I must stop to consider what nonsense is contained in that box. And down the rabbit hole I will go.

As for my daughters… a single box for each?

Truth be told, I probably care more about the safeguarded clutter than they do. ALL OUR collectively collected stuff triggers my flightnotfix response. I entertain thoughts of picking up, moving on and only taking a few (like hardly any) treasured items. The reality? I CAN’T DO IT!!!

I guess that means a continuation of my efforts to ignore, procrastinate and intently listen to foul play podcasts.

And in the meantime, I’ll look forward to more tantalizing episodes of what I like to call… THE DESIROUS DAMSEL AND HER BECKONING DUMPSTER.

And that’ll have to do – for now.

~image from author’s personal collection (just a hint of what’s there)

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Lana Platek
Lana Platek

Karen, never knew you were such a gifted writer.

Susan O’Connell
Susan O’Connell

Weeping! Bawling! Wailing! I’ve considered opening a daycare so I could pull it all out and once again see it strewn all over the floor…Or perhaps a children’s theater company…I better hold on to all of it just in case!😘

Holly Friend
Holly Friend

OMG!!! I can definitely relate. Have the beanie babies (hundreds of them), stuffed animals, American Girl dolls along with clothes, beds, etc., Barbies (naked with chopped off hair) and so much more. During Covid hibernation, we “tried” going thru too-many-to-count bins filled with drawings (a single mark on paper – Dani’s “first” artwork) camp letters, etc……….cried, laughed and put back in bins. Couldn’t toss anything! Thankfully we have an unfinished basement for all memories to “live”.
Love your blogs. It’s like you are reading my mind. Love you my sweet & talented friend. xoxo

Gail Tangeros
Gail Tangeros

Karen, we all can relate to this situation.
I will share with you how my mother dealt with it. She would put everything that she thought should be gone on the dining room table. She’d give us a couple weeks, to come over and choose what we wanted ,whatever was left would go to Salvation Army or the dumpster.
She also contacted the neighbors because my mom had a lot of China ,Linens ,crochet tablecloths ,etc etc etc.
It was a good system!🥰

Andie Simons
Andie Simons

Well done! I’m a firm believer in denial…it’s healthy. Ok, anything but the love letters.


I totally understand. I still have the kids high school jackets. Not sure they want them, but I can’t get rid of them.
Love your stories and you!

Claudia Jaccarino
Claudia Jaccarino

You know you are not alone, Karen. I could be your clone. Beautifully described, utterly relatable and nightmareable!

Gordon Eric McClure
Gordon Eric McClure

Love this. Your writing is so engaging and evocative of what “our class” is going navigating at this stage of our lives. Thank you!

Lu B
Lu B

The kids only want a picture or two. Period. How do I know this? LOL!

xox Lu

Rosie Nadolsky
Rosie Nadolsky


Julie Kaplan
Julie Kaplan

This is toooooo funny, and too frighteningly MY life as well. I am the keeper of STUFF from back to my great great grandparents! What the hell am I doing to my kids?!?! China that I’ve NEVER and will NEVER use, photos, letters… the thought of going through them is too overwhelming. I’m with you!!!!!!! Karen, I love you and your observant, truthful, transparent posts – well, they make my congested day, lighter. Thank you

Ronna Kaplan
Ronna Kaplan

I totally get it. What do I do with one daughters high school cheerleading jacket and and the others pompon jacket. They are both in their 50’s now. The year books, the picture albums,
Allan’s sheet music with every piece of music ever written, the list goes on and on. What about the glassware, grandma’s good dishes?
My kids want none of it. Oh well, maybe I can start cleaning tomorrow.


I can totally relate. I can come and declutter ur stuff since I have no attachments to your stuff and you can come to mine and declutter with me since u have no attachments to my stuff, except your mom’s stuff I can’t part with 🙂
Love u

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