I am a “reluctant ager” – at least that’s what I have concocted as part of my so-called identity. My identity as a putting on mileage,  advancing in years, flourishing and seasoned human. That’s me… and you!

Having written, often, about my distaste for my older-ness I have come to the realization that I needed to change my tune. And I was all set to change that tune to something more hunky-dory when I was confronted with a timekeeper.

It was during my annual appointment with my internist, now tagged Annual Wellness Visit (‘cause Medicare), that I was confronted with “the clock”. I am talking analogue, hands on a dial type deal.

After the normalcy of blood pressure, weight and height I was quite perplexed by some accusatory questioning. Questions like, my ability to remain standing, pull on, pull over, zip up, button up, without outside help (I don’t need no stinkin’ help, thank you very much).

Undeterred, I tried my best to dispute the findings on my lacking in some tallness AND negotiate my BP which was greater than necessary. No such luck. Harumph.

Having said that, I really should have been suspect when presented these three little words – taxi, blue, coffee – for later on retrieval. Oh no.

But it didn’t end there.

Next, burdened with the requirement to draw a simple clock face, I was knocked sideways. I stared at the penciled circle placed before me and finally wrote 12 at the very top. After that…  I was dumbfounded.

What I am about to admit to you must be taken to the grave, never to be discussed with anybody else unless all the names in the story are changed. Meaning mine.

Because it is SO incredibly EMBARRASSING. And f*@king scary.

While my already greater than necessary BP continued on its way up-up-up, I wrote 15 at the halfway point between that 12 and at the bottom – where I placed a 30. Yes, I wrote 12 – 15 – 30! And as you may have already guessed, I made one more move clockwise… penciling in 45. 🙄

The old adage “time flies” has never been realer, cause it flew right out of my noggin.

Just so you know, I knew that was wrong – but can I get points for proving, at the very least, my awareness of 15-minute increments??

In the meantime my brain was still handling:

My kind doctor humored me by pointing out, “it’s okay, I mean how often do we actually look at clock faces with hands anymore? He-he-he, right?”  And then kindly offered a new circle with both a 12 at the top and a 3 where I had written 15. Oooooohhhhhhhhhhh.

12 – 3 – 6 – 9

To which I robustly volunteered, “taxi, blue, coffee.”

To which she replied, “let’s try that blood pressure one more time.”

To which I promptly hissed, “you are a monster.”

~images via Pinterest

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Claudia J
Claudia J

My favorite book of all time, A Wrinkle in Time. That’s all I’ve got to say!

Susan O’Connell
Susan O’Connell

“…lacking in some tallness” 😂🤣😂You are so adorable! And who cares what time it is! Isn’t that the point of retirement? Stupid doctor!😜


I for one think your tall-osity is just fine, but pls help me with “TBC” I’m older than you so I feel I should be forgiven my dumbness, and you should just explain. You may laff if you wish. And yes, all doctors are monsters, except ….wait no all of them!


If anyone’s asked me to remember those three words, or what “FOMO” means, I’ve forgotten.

Lu B.
Lu B.

TIm and I laughed with you. Never at you. But we were both howling, tbh. I’ll leave you with this sweet thought from my dear friend (pen pals since 15!) in Denmark. I sent her a Happy Birthday (70, ahem!) message. Here’s her reply: ” it’s not too bad. We are still here, (not all are)… And though a few aches I feel quite well and am still curious of life and experiences.” Suddenly, that day last week, I put on my big girl pants and said to myself, I’m not going to b*tch about THE NUMBER anymore. Love you, you,… Read more »


Hilarious! Great reminder!


Yes, Whatever!👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽❤️👍🏽

Paul Luboyeski
Paul Luboyeski

Hi Karen, I can really identify with your expressions, feelings about aging! However, I am unwilling to say the things you shared out loud, at least up until now! Have a great, invigorating, youthful feeling day!


LOLOL!!!! I’m sorry to laugh! 😂 Someone at work said they were going to be out in the 31st, and I asked, “Wait- January or February?” 🤦🏼‍♀️ Love you and your higher than necessary BP, KMC!!

Antonio Crivello
Antonio Crivello

Did you inform your doctor you were working on a Grand Meridian Time Table. How dare she!! Listen…. you can tell me “What time it is” anytime. THAT’S all that matters. xo Love. The White Rabbit Crivello


How old was the doctor, 35? Why do others like to find ways to remind us of our aging selves? Makes them feel better about their aging selves.
You are the most graceful anger I know. Keep on keeping on girl, and so will I. Just not looking in the mirror more🤷🏻‍♀️. PS: I’m very fond of denial


You are hysterical! Since I worked at a Doctors office for so long . I saw so many of these answers and we were hysterically laughing at the front desk as we filed these in people’s charts. You are a great writer please keep it up.
Love you DYC❤️💕

Julie Burman Kaplan
Julie Burman Kaplan

LOL…I can’t stop laughing!!!! Did this seriously happen?!?!? I wish I’d been there. We could have pee’d in our pants together.

Rosie Nadolsky
Rosie Nadolsky

You’re such a delightful writer, Karen! Can you hear me howling? Loved this. As a fellow “reluctant ager,” I can totally relate. Your doctor should observe you dancing, though. S/he/”They” would be knocked out! Love you and your rants, raves, and recollections!


HaHAAA … Yes! I had that same bleepin test. The doctors and medicare are both monsters. But I passed way better than you. LOL.
Do you think they’ve given that same test to djt? Keeps me awake at night.

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