The other day I got to thinking about words consisting of just four little letters. I came up with many, and then some, words that are pleasing to the ear. Words like: hope and home, baby, hero, kind, dear, idea, epic, love, soul…. all imparting warm fuzzies and admiration.

Likewise, it only takes a quartet of letters plucked from the alphabet to form a wounding and unkind expression.


Merely four characters… diminutive in quantity … itsy-bitsy in length … its entirety but a dribble …but WOW the weight it carries.

It was one of the words my parents put the kibosh on. The other was the ‘S-word’ (it’s not what you think). I wrote about that here.  

My use of  the verboten H-word in the last couple of years has only intensified. It rolls off my tongue frequently and effortlessly. And if I am being honest, whether I’m casually and flippantly swinging around that word (as in: “I hate people”; ha-ha) or using it to articulate a point of view (as in: hating someone in particular) – it usually feels justified.

But oftentimes – strikes me as unappealing and graceless. And I hate that.

While imagining what my face does when uttering the word H A T E I’m aware that it ain’t pretty… not to mention what I invite into my physiologically detectable nerve endings. That can’t be purty either. As a consequence, if my body is truly tuning in, I’m not being particularly thoughtful. And for that I apologize profusely to my innards. Don’t hate me my adorable internal nuts and bolts.

Something tells me my mom and dad were on the right track.

All the things that put me over the edge… like the current status of our world and people walking into me while glued to their phones… only serve to fill me with discordant energy reverberating through my flesh and bones and nerves and arteries and veins. Even my capillaries must feel it. AND THAT CAN’T BE GOOD.

Where the heck did I put my rose-colored glasses? I’m used to looking-on-the-bright-side and recall setting down those rosy peepers for what was supposed to be a brief looksee at the world ‘without’. But where are they now when I need them most?

After checking the top of my nightstand, amongst the two books I had yet to read, my kindle, a photo of my hubby, a framed drawing of a shoe my daughter penciled, a button and 3 pennies I performed a deep dive into the interior of my car. Then I flashed back to the last time a pair went missing – unsurprisingly found seated atop my head. This time, no such luck.

“I’d like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony…” (a girl can dream)

Feeling the weight of the world the last few years sure feels shitty. Well… more than shitty. And I happen to hate the superabundance of shitty-ness we are crawling in. You too? Is there a four-letter word that feels less deplorable?

Does bane of one’s life sound better? Or how about vile?





#$@! – I think I need a hug. Suffice it to say…

… I need a H U G E hug.

~image via link

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Susan O’Connell
Susan O’Connell

Sending you pink, warm, soft, calm, nice, huge hugs! XO


My post vanished! Ugh I hate that!! 😆. I’ll be right over to give you a hug but I need one right back! Again, you took the thoughts in my head and put them down into your witty, very authentic prose ❣️I FEEL YOU!!!!!!!!!UGH!! Difficult to keep that”H” word tamped down!! But laughing and silliness (let’s never grow up) will help keep us smelling the roses🌹🌹🌹🌹Love you❤️

Marla Abramson
Marla Abramson

No bane please! That works sounds hopeless. Love you, hug you….and shopping for our new sunglasses a priority asap. Maybe you’ll find them at the next sunrise or sunset, sitting there waiting for you.

Ronna I Kaplan
Ronna I Kaplan

Sending LOVE and HUGS to you and yours. Never give up HOPE.

Bob Husa
Bob Husa

sending you more hugs (we practiced after class today…Yay!)

Gordon Eric McClure
Gordon Eric McClure

I “FEEL” ‘ya!

Anthony Crivello

HUGS, KISS and an abundance of LOVE, Then we’ll head over to ‘The Weiner Circle’ for a DOSE of “vulgarity” and “fake abuse” … just to illicit LAFS. xoxo

Rosie Nadolsky
Rosie Nadolsky

LOVE and HUGE HUGS to you, Karen, for the LIFT to LIFE your ROSE-colored RANT provided today. Yes, you’ve done it again, another TIME (a word and concept almost as mind-boggling as LOVE and HATE). XOXO, ROSE (aka Rosie, or should I write ROSY this TIME?) BTW… While we Americans consider “looking at life through rose-colored glasses” to be taking an optimistic view of life (perhaps overly, naively so), it’s my understanding that the French use of the idiom “La vie en ROSE” means something slightly different. Yes, it entails having an optimistic view of life, but it’s also a… Read more »

Julie Burman Kaplan
Julie Burman Kaplan

I’m HERE to GIVE you a HUGE hug!!!!! or MANY HUGS! XOXO




Sending you millions of hugs! Love you DYC


I will give u the biggest hug!!!!

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