I’m a monster of a cry baby…and a CARD-CARRYING UGLY CRIER at that. It’s primal, that bawling of mine, and it doesn’t take much to get that ‘bawl’ rolling. All that sniveling, spontaneous, blubbering, weeping shows every sign of having been hard-wired.

My dad was a crier. We held hands watching “Father Knows Best” and “Make Room for Daddy” and if an episode included a tender daughter/daddy moment we choked up  – and then we boohooed. And oh how we carried on. Likewise, our salty droplets could easily be put into motion if a dog died or a sentimental commercial played. A funeral? …forget about it.  

There is no disguising the turning on of my waterworks. The telltale sign, where my face turns bright red, is quite apparent. TO EVERYBODY. Once my eyes well up there’s this momentary pause and then the spill begins. And once those cascading tears subside, I am left with a blotchy, mottled, colorful mess that takes way too long to fizzle out. There’s no hiding the blubbering – so I have to own it or go hide in a closet for an hour or five.

My mom was also a crier of epic proportion… a letter-reading, nostalgic-remembering blubber-er. But to an even greater degree, it was her uncontrollable fits of laughter that could lead to those tears tumbling at the drop-let of a hat. Giggles and hysterics were her prelude to crying her eyes out.

There’s also the matter of a different kind of trickling. That is to say, another way for the flow to go…

Notably, during my mom’s epic episodes of laughter, I would need to brace myself for the inevitable. With her cross-leggedy, GET OUT OF MY WAY, scooching gallop, she would desperately be trying to make it to the toilet. Now it could turn out to be a just-in-time-ish scenario – BUT MORE OFTEN – it was her hyperventilating, convulsive laughter that was quick to lead to an –







Which reminds me of this noteworthy declaration, “sometimes I laugh so hard that tears run down my leg”. And lucky old me, my mom lovingly passed along this charming, in the thick of unrestrained giggling, inability to ‘hold it in’.

Yes indeedy, my genes are chock-full of the propensity for overflowing of all kinds. There is nothing watertight about me. So I cry at commercials, HGTV, watching a parade, grandparents dancing and anything puppy-related. Reading a greeting card. I cry. My children say something especially kind to me. I cry. Poring over a book. I cry. Landing on a movie already in progress, not knowing anything about the plot or the characters and, you guessed it, CRY. 

Likewise… I jump, I pee. I sneeze. I pee. I cough. I pee. I run. I pee. I lift something. And, I pee. And although these are only pintsized trickles, it’s clear to me all that dancing around in my bedroom is not getting my pelvic floor into any kind of obliging, eager-to-help shape.

And whether from up-top or down-below it’s clear to me that all roads lead to water works. I inherited it all from the best.

I’m embarrassed to admit that I recently ‘answered the call of nature’ while having a toilet dream; a watery sequence where I was “going… going… goooooing”. HEY, before you judge, I’m a really sound sleeper…like an alarm going off, thunder-roaring, raucous party occurring next door, can-sleep-through-anything kind of gal. TMI? Come on, it’s happened to you too, right? Helloooo?? Are you there?? … wait, what?!! You think you are infallible???!! Just wait. It’ll haaaappen. Sooner or later… probably sooner hotshot, so take the necessary precautions. You’re welcome.

To sum up this outpouring of my inclination towards hydrous ACCOMPLISHMENTS…

… there’s nothing like a “good cry” to bring about a stirring release of pent-up emotion.

… the pleasure derived from hilarious, water-soaked cheeks is exhilarating and can be life-affirming.

… and finally, a change of underwear is nothing to be ashamed of particularly in the wake of thigh-slapping, sidesplitting bundles of fun…

… or a powder room nightmare.

~image via creative commons


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Marla abramson
Marla abramson

A great laugh to be cherished always. Can be a good release (in more than one way). I think of your parents and love imagining these stories. Oh, what I didn’t know while sitting on that den couch..

Susan Huss Samuels
Susan Huss Samuels

You have that so right, Girlfriend. Especially true after having a baby or 2. Kegels.. forget about it! They were invented by a clueless man… just sayin’.

Andie Simons
Andie Simons

Ohhhh! Well said💦

Anthony Crivello

Love the tale of your mother’s gallop. xoxo

Ronna Kaye
Ronna Kaye

Been that. Done that. Yep.

Julie Kaplan
Julie Kaplan

Laughing, peeing, laughing, peeing…. such good memories of legs crossed, praying not to let too much go as we stopped our walk to let out some needed emotion and shhhh (tinkle). You bring everything to the honesty forefront with such humor and unabashed joy!!!!!!!!! Love you KFJ

Stephanie. Martinez

This was so honestly refreshing!! So so good!

Gordon McClure
Gordon McClure

Very funny and courageous read.

Patricia Thomas
Patricia Thomas

Thank you for my tears.. ..I laughed, cried & tinkled…
Love this!❤️

Claudia Jaccarino
Claudia Jaccarino

The humor, the timing (lol) the candor of your writing- I love it all!

Sue keeton

I’ve never done any of those things!…….. Hahahahaha hahahahaha! Oops! 😳😊


I love your writing❤️❤️ As always my cheeks are warm from all my smiling😁😁😁 I’m sorry Cuz but I didn’t inherit those sweet tears and tinkly dribbles.. 😂😂😂 now I can’t stop thinking of your sprinkler system And can’t wait to make you laugh till you cry 😆😆 !!! YOU ARE SUCH A FABULOUS WRITER! I can’t wait till the next one 🥰🥰🥰


Haha! I’m right there with you! There’s just nothing better than a laugh so hard you pee!! I can still hear your mom’s laugh. I will NEVER forget it! Xoxo

Ellen Schor

Love it! So enjoyable! 💦

janet Louer
janet Louer

As always, reading your blog makes me laugh out loud, and smile within, for the entirety of reading the piece. I took some time to re-explore your entire site; and like every thing else that you do, it is artistic, humane, hysterical, heart-warming, professional, beautiful and glows with the one-of-a-kind essence that is my dear dear friend Karen Frankel Jones. Is there ANYTHING you do poorly? Throw your old buddy a bone now won’t ya??

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